


Enlightened Princesses: Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte, and the Shaping of the Modern World

This sumptuously illustrated book considers the ways in which these powerful, intelligent women left lasting marks on British society, and the cultures of the wider world, through a broad range of activities: the promotion of the court as a dynastic forum for the Hanoverian regime; the enrichment of the royal library and art collections; the advancement of science and trade; and the creation of gardens and menageries.

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MADE IN THE USA: Collecting American Art during the Long Nineteenth Century

This two-day symposium focuses on collections of American art formed during the late eighteenth century through the early twentieth century and concludes with a conversation with Alice Walton, the greatest living collector of American art and the founder of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Presentations not only examine the tastes and activities of private collectors and dealers, but also explore specific areas of collecting, such as Connecticut collectors, patrons and collectors of American Pre-Raphaelite art, collections of private clubs, and the trade in faked Colonial portraits.

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Königliche Sammellust : Wilhelm I. von Württemberg als Sammler und Förderer der Künste

As a regent he gave the young kingdom of Württemberg a historical identity; his multifarious initiatives as a collector and patron, however, have all but sunk into oblivion. The holdings of the Staatsgalerie, which opened in 1843, were expanded by artworks in royal ownership as well as by personal gifts.

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Mapping Titian

Mapping Titian allows users to visualize one of the most fundamental concerns of the discipline of Art History: the interrelationship between an artwork and its changing historical context. Focusing on the paintings executed by the Venetian Renaissance artist, Titian (ca. 1488-1576), this site offers a searchable provenance index of his attributed pictures and allows users

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The Collector and his Circle

The Institute of Historical Research and The Wallace Collection, London, UK
1 & 2 July 2014

With the developing interest in the history of collecting, this two-day workshop aims to bring out new research in the area of collecting and art markets in the early modern era 1700-1900. The focus of this workshop will be on the collector and his circles, whether friends, advisors or dealers, so as to give further understanding to the context in which individual collectors acquired and displayed their collections. Recent research on art markets and on individual collectors has revealed the fascinating and complex background of individual collectors. Further discussions of the international connections between artists, dealers and collectors have shown how these networks stretch across disciplines and countries.

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The Age of Pleasure and Enlightenment

Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT, USA
August 10, 2013 – February 24, 2014

European art of the 18th century increasingly emphasized civility, elegance, comfort, and informality. During the first half of the century, the Rococo style of art and decoration, characterized by lightness, grace, playfulness, and intimacy, spread throughout Europe.

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Maria Teresa Caracciolo, ed.: Les soeurs de Napoléon: Trois Destins Italiens

Les sœurs de Napoléon Ier, Élisa, Pauline et Caroline, eurent toutes trois un destin italien : la première fut élevée par son frère au rang de princesse de Lucques, puis de grande-duchesse de Toscane, représentante de l’Empereur en Italie. La deuxième épousa un prince romain, Camille Borghèse, et vécut avec lui entre Paris et Rome, en s’attirant dans les deux villes le titre de reine de la beauté. Enfin la cadette, mariée au général Joachim Murat, régna avec lui sur Naples avec un faste inégalé. L’exposition (au musée Marmottan Monet à Paris, du 03 octobre 2013 au 02 février 2014) évoque les trois destins des sœurs Bonaparte, forgés dans le Paris consulaire et brillamment parachevés en Italie sous l’Empire.

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