
Art Dealers


Colloque Marchandes d’art (XIXe-XXe siècles)

Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, FRANCE 13-15 November 2019 Les femmes ont occupé une place majeure dans la modernisation du métier de marchand d’art, progressivement remplacé par celui de galeriste. Laboratoires des avant-gardes, les enseignes dirigées par des femmes œuvrèrent à la découverte d’artistes notoires, soutinrent des mouvements dès leur émergence, contribuèrent à la diffusion

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Le collezioni degli artisti in Italia. Trasformazioni e continuità di un fenomeno sociale tra Cinquecento e Settecento

The British School at Rome (via A. Gramsci, 61) 22 June 2017 A cura di Francesca Parrilla e Matteo Borchia I sezione Linda Borean (Università di Udine): L’artista nel ruolo di collezionista nella Venezia barocca Cecilia Vicentini (Università eCampus/Università di Ferrara): Inventari, testamenti e lasciti: carte di artisti ferraresi Mauro Pavesi (Università Cattolica del Sacro

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MADE IN THE USA: Collecting American Art during the Long Nineteenth Century

This two-day symposium focuses on collections of American art formed during the late eighteenth century through the early twentieth century and concludes with a conversation with Alice Walton, the greatest living collector of American art and the founder of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Presentations not only examine the tastes and activities of private collectors and dealers, but also explore specific areas of collecting, such as Connecticut collectors, patrons and collectors of American Pre-Raphaelite art, collections of private clubs, and the trade in faked Colonial portraits.

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Private Collecting and Public Display: Art Markets and Museums

The Centre for the Study of the Art and Antiques Market at the University of Leeds announces the international two-day conference exploring the relationship between the ‘private’ and ‘public’ spheres of the art market and the museum. This interdisciplinary conference offers the opportunity to hear new research in the fields of art market studies, museum studies, and the histories of collecting.

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All the Beauty of the World. The Western Market for non-European. Artefacts (18th-20th century)

In the wake of the Western expansion, a fast growing number of non-European artefacts entered the European market. They initially made their way into princely cabinets of curiosities. Made possible by the forced opening and exploitation of more and more parts of the world and pushed by social and technological changes of the time, the 18th century brought a boom of the market of non-European artefacts in Europe. This came along with the emergence of a broader collecting culture and the development of a rich museumscape.

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The Munich Art Hoard: Hitler’s Dealer and His Secret Legacy

Former Bloomberg arts reporter Catherine Hickley has delved into archives and conducted dozens of interviews to uncover the story behind the headlines. Her book illuminates a dark period of German history, untangling a web of deceit and silence that has prevented the heirs of Jewish collectors from recovering art stolen from their families more than seven decades ago by the Nazis.

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Collecting Prints and Drawings

Schwaben Akademie, Kloster Irsee
13-16 June 2014

Cabinets of prints and drawings belong to the earliest art collections of Early Modern Europe. Some of them achieved astounding longevity such as the Florentine Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe at the Uffizi. The fame which they acquired then demanded for an ordered and scientific display. Keepers were employed to ensure that fellow enthusiasts as well as visiting courtiers, diplomats and also artists might have access to the print room. Documenting an encyclopaedic approach to knowledge, prints and drawings often depicted parts of the collection in the form of a paper museum. They spread its fame, and with it the renown of its owner, across Europe and into new worlds of collecting East and West.

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Vortragsreihe am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig, GERMANY
Juni-Juli 2014

Durch das plötzliche Auftauchen der Sammlung Cornelius Gurlitt sowie durch den von George Clooney produzierten Hollywoodfilm Monument Men sind in jüngster Zeit wieder Themenfelder in die allgemeine Wahrnehmung gerückt, die unter dem Begriff “Raubkunst” subsumiert werden und zu den drängenden Problemen kunsthistorischer Forschung wie Praxis gehören. Das Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig nimmt diese Debatte zum Anlass, um in einer Vortragsreihe zentrale Aspekte der Raub und Zwangsenteignung insbesondere während der NS-Herrschaft sowie die Probleme der Provenienzforschung durch ausgewiesene Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten vorzustellen und so einen Beitrag zu den aktuellen Diskussionen zu liefern.

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The Collector and his Circle

The Institute of Historical Research and The Wallace Collection, London, UK
1 & 2 July 2014

With the developing interest in the history of collecting, this two-day workshop aims to bring out new research in the area of collecting and art markets in the early modern era 1700-1900. The focus of this workshop will be on the collector and his circles, whether friends, advisors or dealers, so as to give further understanding to the context in which individual collectors acquired and displayed their collections. Recent research on art markets and on individual collectors has revealed the fascinating and complex background of individual collectors. Further discussions of the international connections between artists, dealers and collectors have shown how these networks stretch across disciplines and countries.

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From The Vendome Press: Lost Lives, Lost Art: Jewish Collectors, Nazi Art Theft, and the Quest for Justice by Melissa Müller, Monika Tatzkow, with foreward by Ronald S. Lauder

Beginning in 1933, Jewish collectors were under extraordinary pressure from German officials to surrender their treasures – paintings, manuscripts, musical instruments, and all manner of objets d’art.

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From Marsilio Editore and Fondazione di Venezia: Il collezionismo d’arte a Venezia. Il Settecento. Linda Borean and Stefania Mason, eds.

Questa pubblicazione, la terza di una collana specificatamente dedicata al collezionismo artistico a Venezia in età moderna, prende in esame il Settecento, il secolo definito della “gloria” di Venezia, particolarmente ricco e articolato per l’evoluzione del gusto e degli orientamenti del fenomeno, con elementi di continuità e altri di contrasto con l’epoca che lo precede.

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With the exhibition of Richard Feigen’s collection of Italian paintings, curator and expert Laurence Canter battles to bring connoisseurship back to the discipline of art history. Ted Loos reports

A dozen years ago the art dealer Richard L. Feigen attended an auction of European paintings at Sotheby’s in London and found a picture he liked: a richly colored scene of a religious vision, with a hovering saint and four angels, all topped by shimmering gold halos, that was attributed to a minor Italian painter.

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Jacques Seligmann & Co. records at the Archives of American Art now online

Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., was counted among the foremost French and American art dealers in antiquities and decorative arts and was among the first to foster and support the growth and appreciation for collecting in the field of contemporary European art. The company’s clients included most of the major American and European art collectors

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From Akademie Verlag: Ein Händler “entarteter” Kunst: Bernhard A. Böhmer und sein Nachlass (Meike Hoffman, ed.)

Bernhard A. Böhmer (1892–1945) gehörte zu den vier Kunsthändlern, die mit dem Verkauf der 1937 in deutschen Museen als “entartet” beschlagnahmten Kunstwerke beauftragt waren. Dokumente weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass bei Böhmer in Güstrow nicht nur die offiziell über ihn “verwerteten” Kunstwerke lagerten. Nach dem Krieg ließ die Zentralstelle für Volksbildung in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone

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