The Educated Eye? Connoisseurship Now
Paul Mellon British Centre for Studies in British Art, London, UK
2 May 2014
This one-day conference will address the issue of connoisseurship in relation to historic, modern and contemporary British art studies.
Speakers from different sphere – art dealers, museum curators, conservators, art journalists, and academics – will give personal ‘position papers’ based on their own professional perspectives and experiences of the role and relevance of connoisseurship in today’s art world. Issues to be explored include the question of the ‘eye’; the value of technical knowledge and the role of conservation; the role of connoisseurship in the marketplace, including questions of attribution and market value; connoisseurship and collecting; connoisseurship and art theory; connoisseurship and art-historical scholarship; and connoisseurship’s relevance to contemporary art.
(…more at Paul Mellon website…)